Guiding Parents: Frequency of Baby Massage

July 19, 2023

As a Certified Infant Massage Teacher (CIMT®) or Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist (CPMT®), you’re likely to be faced with a myriad of questions from concerned parents eager to do the best for their little ones. One common question you may encounter is: “How often should I give my baby a massage?” It’s a valid question, as the frequency of massage can impact its effectiveness and the benefits reaped by the baby. Let me provide you with a comprehensive answer to this question, allowing you to guide parents confidently.

Understanding the Benefits of Baby Massage

Before we delve into the specifics of frequency, it’s essential to understand why parents should consider massaging their babies. Baby massage has been linked to numerous benefits, including:

– Improved sleep patterns
– Enhanced bonding between parent and child
– Relief from the discomfort associated with gas and colic
– Stimulation of the baby’s circulatory and digestive systems
– Reduced crying and emotional distress

Given these benefits, it’s clear that baby massage can play a significant role in a baby’s overall well-being. But how often should a massage be administered to optimize these benefits?

The Ideal Frequency of Baby Massage

As a general guideline, a daily massage is often recommended for most infants. This frequency allows for establishing a routine, which babies usually respond well to, and ensures the consistent delivery of the massage’s benefits.

However, each baby is unique, and their response to massage can vary. Some babies might enjoy a massage every day, while others might be more comfortable with a massage every other day or a few times per week. Reminding parents to be attentive to their baby’s cues is crucial. If the baby seems uncomfortable or upset during the massage, it may be best to try again another time.

Tips for Therapists

As a therapist, your role is not just to answer the question but to empower parents to make informed decisions based on their baby’s unique needs and responses. Here are a few tips that you can share with parents:

Start Slow:

Especially for newborns or babies new to massage, it can be helpful to start slow. This might mean shorter massages more frequently or a more extended massage every few days. Parents can gradually increase the duration as their baby becomes more accustomed to the experience.

Read Baby’s Cues:

Encourage parents to observe their baby’s responses. If the baby seems relaxed and content during the massage, this is a good indication that the frequency is suitable. If the baby seems restless or shows signs of discomfort, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency or duration of the massage.

Consistency is Key:

Consistency is crucial. Regardless of the exact frequency. Encourage parents to establish a routine for the massage, as this can help the baby understand and anticipate the process. Remember to remind parents a little change in routine is normal and to be expected.

Be Flexible:

While consistency is important, flexibility should also be emphasized. Parents should feel comfortable adjusting the frequency based on their baby’s needs and their own schedule. And always remind the parents that even though, in theory, baby massage may be performed daily, it is also okay if you cannot provide massage every day. Even a little extra attention to their cute fingers and toes makes a difference.

The frequency of baby massage should ideally be a daily practice, but ultimately, it should be dictated by the baby’s comfort and enjoyment. As therapists, we guide parents and equip them with the knowledge and tools to make the best decisions for their babies. By doing so, we can support them in harnessing the full potential of baby massage, promoting healthier and happier infants.